“Golf” is not just another four-letter word, although one may hear many such words on the golf course. For many of us golf is life (another four-letter word). As in life, one can have a great game one day and shoot a miserable score the next. Like life, there are those we truly enjoy playing with and some – not so much. As is true in life, the more we hurry around, the more we screw things up. When we play the new ball we immediately lose it but can play an old ball forever. I’ve borrowed Tina Turner’s song title and changed it slightly for this series of articles on the game of golf.
I will begin with a history of how I came to take up the game at a relatively early age. Next I will detail some of my most memorable golf games with my father. Over the years I have stored in my limited memory banks a series of golf jokes and humorous sayings that I will record. Reviews of some of my all time favorite golf movies. I’ll detail some of the championship courses I’ve played or tournaments I’ve attended as well as my contact with some of the games leading professionals. Lastly, I will discuss what the game has meant to me over the years and what it means to me now.
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